World Zionist Village Vision for Global Jewry - JNF


The World Zionist Village

The World Zionist Village is the most ambitious initiative dedicated to educating and inspiring global communities with a true understanding of Zionism.

The Village is an inviting arena for meaningful study and impactful conversations and experience the multi-faceted spirit of Zionism.

The Village welcomes multi-generational, multi-cultural, diversified Jewish, and non-Jewish communities, to gather and connect with Zionism – and the Land of Israel – like never before.

The Future Of Zionism

The campus offers world-class facilities and accommodations to welcome the global community for short or long-term stays to engage in immersive educational experiences and conversations on the true meaning of Zionism.

The Village will provide the space and openness for participants to engage in collaborative learning programs to deepen and broaden their understanding of the true spirit and essence of Zionism like never before.

Creating a hub for the multi-facets of Zionism education, innovation and peoplehood that will give a voice to the collective spirit of Jews from all around the globe. It will unite them with the love and understanding of our mutual roots and heritage, and inspiring spirit of resilience and triumph of Zionism.

Offering both long-term and short-term educational programs within a welcoming communal space, the Village will feature:


An International Learning Center: Offering multigenerational programs led by top scholars for high school students, pre-army Mechinot, post-graduates, adult scholars, teachers, educators, and community leaders.

The Village will host the growing Alexander Muss High School in Israel program welcoming over 2,500 students for immersive engaging short- and long-term programs.


A Living Lab for new technologies: demonstrating the impact Zionism has on repairing the world through innovation, generosity and collaboration.


A Cultural Heritage Center: Providing an interactive, immersive journey through our diverse culture and history.


Shared Open Spaces, International Culinary Dining and Living Facilities: Welcoming communal spaces with both short and long-term living accommodations and guest housing.

Imagine a conversation about Israel, about the future of Jewish leadership, about the next 25–50 years, wherein high school students, college students, post-graduates, teachers, young leaders, and older adults are all part of one loud crescendo of voices. Imagine the discourse. Imagine the brilliance. Imagine the outcome. Imagine the future.

With the vision of creating this ecosystem—the only one of its kind in the world—for global Jewry of all ages to convene at once or at different times on a single campus with programming, shared spaces, accommodations, and harnessing the power of positive Israel/Jewish conversation, Jewish National Fund-USA is building this world-class campus in Be’er Sheva that will revolutionize Zionist and Jewish educational engagement for the decades ahead.

Woman smiling at restaurant

Why Be’er Sheva

Be’er Sheva: from Abraham’s well to the Be’er Sheva River Park

Over 3,000 years ago Abraham purchased a well in Be’er Sheva, beginning the Jewish people’s connection to the Negev Desert. Thousands of years later, Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben Gurion, said it was there that the pioneering spirit and valor of the Jewish people would be tested.

Today, our Blueprint Negev campaign is bringing half a million people to the Negev, with Be’er Sheva as the centerpiece. Home to the Lauder Employment Center, the 1,300-acre Be’er Sheva River Park, a lake, amphitheater and sporteque, Israel’s largest indoor mall, a burgeoning night life, and more, Be’er Sheva is now a destination in its own right. An emerging international biotechnology, cyber security, R&D center, home to top universities, it is one of the fastest growing cities in Israel, and the natural home to the World Zionist Village.

Why High School In Israel

The ultimate college prep study abroad program in Israel builds southern campus

It is no secret that high school abroad affords teens the opportunity for new experiences, experiential learning, and greater independence while enhancing their college prospects.

The Alexander Muss High School in Israel provides an immersive teen Israel experience that is pluralistic, and strongly Jewish in nature, and teaches 4,000+ years of Jewish and Israeli history using the land of Israel as a living classroom. The students learn how to effectively speak about Israel and her challenges, as they prepare for life on a college campus where they will undoubtedly encounter anti-Israel sentiments.

Since Jewish National Fund’s acquisition of the high school five years ago, our population has grown from 800 to 1,400 students per year. With the goal of 5,000 students annually within the next 6 years, more classrooms and facilities are urgently needed. A brand new state-of-the-art facility in Be’er Sheva, alongside tech giants, a world-class university and top-rated medical center, as well as fabulous new municipal assets like JNF’s river walk and amphitheater, will bring us to the next level.

Why Tech

Be’er Sheva named hi-tech city of the future.

Many of our college graduates are looking for careers in the technology fields of information, health, cyber security, and software. Companies are looking for college graduates to have had these hands-on experiences, so internships are a necessity.

Jewish National Fund will use its vast connections through the Lauder Employment Center, Nefesh B’Nefesh, and its relationships with companies such as Dell, Intel, and Cisco to help college graduates and post-graduates obtain internships for one or two years in Be’er Sheva. This internship program will not only help our young people land their dream jobs, it will connect them to the land and the people of Israel while they live in our multi-use campus — a winning formula for cultivating young people to become the next generation of Jewish leaders.

Why Adult Education

We believe in the future of Global Jewry

Join the greatest conversation to build bridges across generations, denominations, and politics as we embark on the first global Zionist education center. This state-of-the-art center will inspire Jewish leaders of all ages and backgrounds from across the globe. Educational content developed by world renowned Jewish experts will allow learners of all levels to explore the richness and beauty of the Jewish world including projects that are part of Jewish National Fund‑USA’s Eco‑Zionism® efforts. A top-quality conference center with ample space for organizations and individuals will draw teachers, adult learners and scholars from Oklahoma to Dimona. Comfortable and modern overnight accommodations for short and longer term stays will allow visitors to connect with a rich mosaic of Jewish people from all walks of life who are unified in their belief in a vibrant future for global Jewry.